Targets trigger points that are a direct source of pain:
Medical acupuncture, which is sometimes referred to as ‘dry needling’, is a modern adaptation of the more traditional Chinese acupuncture.
This variation has been formed using current knowledge of physiology, pathology and the principles of evidence-based medicine. It is commonly used by osteopaths and health practitioners, but only by those who have undertaken post-graduate acupuncture training.
The treatment involves the precise insertion of fine sterilised acupuncture needles into myofascial trigger points (small areas of tension located within the muscle belly). This creates both a local and systemic effect which promotes healing, relieves tension and provides fast-acting pain relief.
How does medical acupuncture work?
The modern scientific explanation is that acupuncture stimulates the central nervous system to increases the body’s release of natural painkillers (endorphin and serotonin) in the pain pathways of both the spinal cord and the brain. This modifies the way pain signals are received and thus – we feel less pain.
The acupuncture needles also create a localised effect by relaxing the muscle, increasing blood flow and promoting a healing response.
What can medical acupuncture be used to treat?
Medical acupuncture or dry needling can be used to treat a wide range of conditions and has been found particularly effective for the following:
Musculoskeletal pain, e.g. back, shoulder, neck and upper/lower extremity pain
Headache and migraine – especially when arising from the neck
Trapped nerves, muscle strains and spasms, various kinds of arthritic and rheumatic pain and generalised aches and pain
Sciatica without loss of muscle power or reflexes
Sports injuries including some tendinopathies & enthesopathies, e.g. tennis elbow and achilles tendonitis
Myofascial pain conditions including fibromyalgia
non-dental facial and TMJ pain